The only way to sum up the trip is "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". We all got tickets in Nebraska, kicked out of spots we have never been kicked out of, COLD (like always), Harassed by Stillwater PD (real hard and didn't even hit anything) and the bungee broke and snapped me in the ass. That FUCKING hurt!!! Oh ya, we got some rad shots as well. So the crew from CO was Austin Julik-Heine, Dylan Alito, Aaron Dodds clicking photo's and Me. We meet up with Austin Young, Ethan Dice, Krister Rawles and a few others. Shit was fun, hope to do round 2 ASAP.
(Photo's by Austin JH and Myself)

On the way.....

Thanks Nebraska!!! We don't get those in Breck anymore

So we didn't take any photos the first few days of shredding since Dodds was on that. However, Austin JH got this killer sunset pic! Ya buddy!!!
E-Dice on his home turf. Miss Blue is just down the streets from his stomping grounds.