Trying to get my computers fixed and then I'll be back!!!


Dear Drago,

So I finally know what is like to be you...I've been up since 5:15am and have already had almost 8 cups of coffee and it only 7:45...

Good thing I only have to do this a few times a week...my hats off to you Drago! Keep up the good work.

- From LANGER's iPhone


I REALLY need to take my 4:3 guides off.....
 So we had some issues and had to start a new blog and here it is! Also we have our video name and concept for next year and here it is...
So keep checking back in here to see whats going down around town! 



Something to keep you busy!

Here is the teaser for Role Model Productions, "I'm With Stupid!". All the MIXED MEDIA crew is in it and should be GOOD!!!


I'm a liar!

So to the few people checking this, sorry about the serious lacking all season...it's been a busy one! I've had some serious computer problems which is preventing me from geeking on the interweb. I'm in the process of getting both of my computers fixed for editing season. So when I'm up and running, there will be new posts to come! Also keep checking in here for updates on the new project..........

Also don't forget to chech out http://www.rolemodelsnow.blogspot.com/


Fixed it!!!

So, I know I've been blowing it hard on the blogging situation but the blog was all fucked up. It's all good now. I'll try not too blow it so hard in the future. More to come soon.....



Sooooooo..........I was going to have a teaser up for this one but..........not so much. I'll have that for the 15th.....I hope!!! So here is a edit of Austin Julik-Heine's footage from last year. Enjoy!

Austin Julik-Heine 09 Edit from Jim Langer on Vimeo.


Minnestoa: Round 1

The only way to sum up the trip is "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". We all got tickets in Nebraska, kicked out of spots we have never been kicked out of, COLD (like always), Harassed by Stillwater PD (real hard and didn't even hit anything) and the bungee broke and snapped me in the ass. That FUCKING hurt!!! Oh ya, we got some rad shots as well. So the crew from CO was Austin Julik-Heine, Dylan Alito, Aaron Dodds clicking photo's and Me. We meet up with Austin Young, Ethan Dice, Krister Rawles and a few others. Shit was fun, hope to do round 2 ASAP.

(Photo's by Austin JH and Myself)
On the way.....

Thanks Nebraska!!! We don't get those in Breck anymore

So we didn't take any photos the first few days of shredding since Dodds was on that. However, Austin JH got this killer sunset pic! Ya buddy!!!

E-Dice on his home turf. Miss Blue is just down the streets from his stomping grounds.

The rest of the gang. Dylan, Krister, Austin Y, E-dice and Austin JH

Who would have thought......................Miss Blue!

Under the bridge bum-style c-creeper

Swung by Austin JH's parents for a free meal. Thanks Austin's Parents!!! Austin and his dad.

Dodds and Krister

Ethan (fresh out of the hospital), Dylan and Austin Y

The Gorilla Gap

Off to the airport with Austin JH and back to CO



Steve Fisher in Sky-Mall?!?!?

..........and Austin didn't even got to enjoy our free drink due to the delay. Sucks for him, sweet for me!!!


1st AND 15TH.....ish

Slacking hard on the blogging side of things cause were busy shooting and shreding. Here is a late edit of Dylan Alito form last years footage. Enjoy!


Check it!!!

Take a look at this. Our boy Dodds, an epic photo bro, went on the trip to MN with us. Look at this shit!


Bum Deal!!!

E-Dice got broke off the other day while we were MN. Not so sweet but thats what happens when you go that hard!
Hope you feel better soon and are back to killing it in no time!!!

Full MN blog to come............



1st and 15th is a little deal where we will be putting up a edit every month on the 1st and 15th.

Here's one from last year footage of Madison Ellsworth shot last season.

Madison Ellsworth 09 Edit from Jim Langer on Vimeo.